Print specifications

Please consider the following information before sending the artwork you want printed on your bags:
Printing method: Flexographic printing.
Artwork: All documents must be PC compatible. Colour printing is to be saved in CMYK process. Pantone colours, if used, must be specified. All non-vector artwork should be supplied at a minimum of 300DPI. Make sure that all fonts are converted to outlines.
Artwork origination: Artwork should be saved in PDF, EPS, AI (Illustrator), or JPEG format. If you send us a print-ready PDF, please make sure nothing but the print is on the file and that front and back are on separate files/pages.
Colours: Max. 8 colours (incl. white). CMYK and Pantone.
Maximum print size: Bag width –1 mm from side edges, 5 mm from top and bottom.
Print drawings: Print drawings are made in Illustrator (CS6) for windows and saved as PDF.
- Keep in mind that almost all colours printed on transparent film will need white underneath to get coverage and be presented correctly.
- Make sure that the print dimensions and position on bag are specified.
- We recommended that you send us previous prints as a reference, if possible.
- EAN codes should not be smaller than 1.00 (EAN-13 size).
- Screening, EAN codes and very small text may need an extra plate.
Print drawings from Pronova are not colour proofs and will not show how screenings will be on the final print. If exact tones and colours are important and if you can't send us references you are welcome to attend the print start. If so, please notify us about this well in advance. You can also order colour proofs from the plate manufacturer through us at an additional cost.